Our story so far ...

When people first see Efrain’s work, they are mesmerized. This isn’t a photograph? They look at it from different angles to make sure. Simply staring. Then the questions begin. How can anything be so realistic? So detailed? How did he learn this? Who is this guy?

Efrain began his art when he was very young, about 4 or 5. He discovered he could draw a leaf ... and he kept on drawing. Yet despite the abundant talent, he remained undiscovered, there was no formal art education ... just this budding native talent and busy fingers.

As happens in life, his early adult years were spent responsibly providing for a family, his wife and young son. Some of those jobs made use of his leadership skills or management abilities. Several allowed extensive travel, sometimes rather luxuriously. Others let his artistic skills develop, like when he was lead pictorialist and supervisor for an American outdoor advertising company. There he designed and executed huge billboards that looked like a 14 foot high by 40 foot long picture back in the days when it really was art, and not computer generated as it is now. He still likes the big stuff.

During a stint as a graphic designer in Puerto Vallarta, he was commissioned to do portraits of over 25 VIP’s around Mexico. It was during this time that he mastered the use of pencil.

For a while Efrain did tattoos, and was acknowledged as one of the best portrait tattooists in North America.

Seriously San Miguel

In 2008 the decision was made to warm up his fingers and get serious about his art. To just begin doing it and see where things went. And where they went were first to pastels ... and then to San Miguel de Allende in central Mexico in October 2009

Arriving in San Miguel was somehow like coming home to a place you’ve never been before. The welcome so warming, and the opportunities so abundant. San Miguel has a depth and diversity seldom matched. It is the Florence of North America and it seemed it couldn’t do enough for our di Vinci fast enough.

Gallery works

In San Miguel there is a center of upscale art galleries called Fabrica La Aurora and within days of arriving Efrain was invited to show a work there for the upcoming Dia de los Muertos, day of the dead. He did a black and white pastel of Frieda Kahlo painting a skull with spirits happily dancing in the nearby ether as they all celebrate together. This piece, his first gallery work to sell, was bought jointly by Kathryn Parsons and Georgia Peterson. 

More showings and more sales happily followed.  Then Michelle asked us if we could make her look like the Morning Sunshine, lower tin frame.  Do her fantasy?  Of course!

Fantasy pictorials ... and a camera

CD label from photo shoot 
The fantasy pictorials are commissioned portraits where he works closely with the patron to determine their fantasy. He then arranges for a professional photographic production including stylists, suitable background and props (Harley or horses, anyone?) and anything else that adds to the experience. Efrain coordinates the lighting, the posing, the fun ... and then lights, camera, action as he works closely with the “model” taking a series of pictures. The best of the lot are merged, enhancement happens, magic is done, and, lo ... a realistic work of art that is how we would like to become accustomed to seeing ourselves and suitable for inheritance is celebrated.

To do the fantasy pictorials and to do other works that are completely original, a professional camera and the skill to use it was needed. And so San Miguel continued with it’s blessings. Around New Year 2010 Jim Quinn, who photographed over 26 years for the Chicago Tribune, retired, came to San Miguel and right on time offered strobist classes. A strobist mentality is work smarter, not harder at your lighting. Often you don’t have time to do big set ups, yet more is wanted than the easiest thing would deliver. An enormous amount of effort isn’t needed if you just think about what you need a bit.

More about Fantasy Pictorials can be learned at this link

Galerià Dé.jà.view

In January 2011 ... only 16 months after arriving in SMA ... our gallery happened.  Literally a dream come true, it is in the famed Instituto Allende, first door to your left as you enter. 


The very necessary support team without which no artist blossoms is being assembled ... talent continues to find it’s way into our lives.

As the story continues, chapters will be added via blog posts. Welcome to our world.

Written by ... the elf

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